Channel: Batchy
Category: Gaming
Tags: ifailbatchyresonate total gaming 2018scottish youtubemarley diss trackq and ascottish diss trackscottishbest still gamemarley 13marleythirteenscotlandstill gamescotland youtubebatchydiss trackscottish youtuber diss trackresonateresonate total gamingmarleythirteen diss trackbatchy diss trackbatchy gaming
Description: So after a long time myself and MarleyThirteen finally made a video together and we discussed Still Game, The MarleyThirteen Diss Track and being Scottish on Youtube! Its been a long time coming that me and the wee man did a video together, so hopefully you enjoy this chilled Q and A! We discuss the best Still Game episodes, What Marley really thought of the diss track and much more! Just to clarify its not Marley 13 its MarleyThirteen. We will be attending Resonate this weekend from October 19th - 21st at the SEC in Glasgow. ►MarleyThirteen :➜ ►MarleyIRL :➜ ►Resonate Tickets :➜ Use Code "Batchy" or "Marley" for 20% off! ►SUBSCRIBE for more:➜ ►Get Partnership with Curse :➜ ►Instagram :➜ ►Twitter :➜ ►Facebook :➜ If you enjoyed this video please consider leaving a like and also a subscription if your new! Make sure to check out all my social medias linked above!